Sunday, October 28, 2007

Good-bye Home Sweet Home

It's been great having turned this house into our home. To watch as each room was brought to its full potential through a lot of hard work and sweat, but now as the days are numbered, it's almost time to say good-bye.

All the closets are empty, the only furniture left is our bed and our kitchen table. And of course the high-def TV - can't watch the Sox sweep the World Series without it! Every room is finally empty and now we are about to make our last trip to my grandmother's with the last of our stuff we'll need during our transition. The bed and table are coming Tuesday.

That's it. No food, except some cheese in my tiny college-dorm-like fridge, which also holds cream for our coffee and some soda, wine and water. The clock is finally counting down and in 48 hours we will no longer call this great century-old house home. It's bittersweet. It was the first major step in our at the time newlywed phase of our relationship - but now we are moving on to an even bigger step. Finding the home we will together grow old and raise our family in.

A toast to you our great home. You've done us good and made us very happy. I hope the happiness I had here is something the new owners will enjoy as well as they put their own personal touches on a house once belonging to someone else that they too can now call home.

(On a side note: while in 2004 I got to see Game 2 of the World Series with my dad, this time around I was left in the bullpen. Dad and my brother both went to Game 1 and as I type, my brother has been in Colorado with the Red Sox brass taking in all the action from there. Go Sox and A - have a great time and be safe!)


My Wombinations said...

It never ceases to impress me what a sweet and thoughtful person you are. Wishing the new people in your house well is really touching. I hope that you and C have a long and happy life in your new house, too. I will miss you, but am looking forward to seeing your new place!

K said...

Best of luck, Liz! I know you'll find exactly what you're looking for. When one door closes, another opens.

Gal on the Go said...

You guys are both so sweet! Thank you so much for your support and your friendship!

Nikki said...

On to more important matters: DECORATING THE NEW PLACE!!!!! HUZZAH! Paint, curtains, furniture, KNICK-KNACKS, new kitchen stuff ... let the fun begin!

Gal on the Go said...

OOh that I actually forgot about - though the last time I started planning that our offer wasn't accepted. Course I totally jinxed it by drawing up room design plans, etc.. No worries. I've learned the error of my ways. No more planning until everything is signed on the bottom line!