Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We Are Furnished!

Today was like Christmas morning in October - our furniture finally came! Here are the before and after photos of the living room and dining room. I'm in love with all of it!

Living Room When We First Moved In:

Living Room With A Little Paint:

Furnished Living Room:

Dining Room When We First Moved In:

Dining Room With A Little Paint:

Furnished Dining Room:

And of course a picture of Miss Molly checking it all out:

I'm so happy with the results - everything worked out just as I planned. Just need to add my artwork and some curtains (and a TV in the living room) and we'll be all set. Now I'm going to finish up some work and looking forward to a night of catching up on some long overdue reading on my new couch!

Monday, October 20, 2008


Got word today - our furniture is coming a week from tomorrow. I can't even begin to tell you how excited I am. I literally fell to the ground on my knees when C texted me this afternoon with the news. No more watching TV in bed, now I can look forward to lazy weekend days on my couch. No more digging through boxes stacked in the guest room looking for my favorite books, now I can have them all where they belong - dispalyed on bookcases lining my walls. No more being told by friends on the phone that I'm echoing. Of course I'm echoing - I'm normally calling from the empty dining room or living room :-)

In one week this house is finally going to feel like home and I can't wait!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I know I’ve been slacking on the blogger front for a while now, and while it was my intention to blog more, the days just got away from me again, but now that I’ve decided to settle in a bit and get working on a book I’ve been plugging away at for a while now, I’m going to be much better at blogging to get my writing skills back in check.

In any case, here’s what’s kept me busy the past month:

On Sunday I spent the afternoon with my mom’s family as we gathered together to spread my grandmother’s ashes. It was the most beautiful afternoon for this and I am so glad I was there for it.

My other grandmother (Nana) turns 99 years old this week. God bless her! So I’m gearing up for her birthday dinner late tomorrow afternoon and picked her up some gifts at lunch today.

On the homefront we've made some serious progress. The dining room is finally finished (I'm completely in love with the color - Benjamin Moore's Saybrook Sage) and the hardware is now on the kitchen cabinets (and I’m grateful because I could never figure out which way to open the cabinets without looking for the hinges). That means all that’s left to be painted is the kitchen and the upstairs bathroom. I’ll post photos soon – as soon as I can find a second to download them off my camera.

Still waiting of for our furniture to come in. Every piece is waiting for us with the exception of the secretary/bookcase combination. It’s still on a boat somewhere and we’ve decided to have everything delivered at once. Just keep your fingers crossed it’s all in and delivered before Thanksgiving. I need a table and a couch!!!

I’ve started taking dance class again two days a week and I’m so happy I did. I used to dance four to five times a week until about seven years ago and missed it dearly. I forgot how good it can be for me both physically and emotionally. Nothing like an hour and a half ballet class to clear the mind (because really, when you’re doing ballet you can’t think about anything else)

I'm almost 75 percent done with the main front flower bed by the front door. One more row of bushes to plant and I'll be done (as soon as I buy them). I also spent the weekend planting tons of bulbs (85 to be exact) red and yellow tulips, daffodils and crocuses. I can't wait to see how it all comes up in the spring.

Aside from that I won’t bore you with the details about being busy at work, etc…

I also have a few things brewing, but will tell you about that in another post.