Thursday, June 07, 2007

Eight Random Things about Myself

OK, so My Wombinations tagged me to write eight random things about myself, but I’m such an open book I’m not sure anyone would be surprised, but here goes:

1. I talk to my mom nearly every day. She’s such an important part of my life and not only my mom but a friend I can talk to about anything.

2. I’m petrified of spiders – any color, any size, real or fake. No joke. It’s the worst arachnophobia you could ever imagine. Therefore, Halloween totally freaks me out because somewhere – whether at work or at a retail store – will inevitably be decorated with some type of spider. It’s pathetic, I’m a grown woman, but man they scare me. On a lighter not – centipedes I can deal with, kill and have no fear of.

3. I still sleep with my teddy bear. By day he hangs out center stage on my bed.

4. I’m a super neat freak at work, highly organized and efficient, but put me in my car or in my home and it’s a whole other ballgame.

5. I spent an entire summer when I was a teenage on a cross-country bus tour of the United States with my grandmother. No joke! I’ve been to every state in the country except Alaska and Hawaii. And to this day – I still HATE buses.

6. I can read cover to cover at least two books a week and have a stack of at least five in the cue on my nightstand at any given time. I LOVE books.

7. I’m full of useless information that at some point or another always turns out to be highly useful. Just ask my friends and co-workers. Guess all that reading isn’t a bad thing at all.

8. I’m a shopaholic (but you already guessed that from the name of my blog). I have way too much clothing, yet somehow find a way to wear it all. I suppose there are worse addictions.

And for shits and giggles here is #9 – I, like My Wombinations, was engaged twice before meeting C. What can I say? I have no regrets – never look back and feel very fortunate I found someone as wonderful, loving, caring, funny and sweet as C.

Your turn!
I’m tagging the following:

Nikki at Life's Fun Little Lessons
Lisanne at Bathtubjunkie

1. Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. At the end of your blog, you need to choose at least eight people to get tagged and list their names.


Kristi said...

What a great list.

I love the idea of #5. How cool! It must have been a great bonding experience for you and Grams.

And #6-well, I used to read WAY more than I do now, but I have about twice the number of books you have sitting on my closet floor...and no time to read them. Of course, this fact doesn't preclude me from buying more.

furiousBall said...

I will post my answers tonight I swear.

I do think you should get a spotlight for teddy while he's on centerstage.

furiousBall said...

Ok, posted

sorry i took so long.

Gal on the Go said...

Kristi: I hear you on the subject of buying books - for me it's like the shoe and pocketbook fetish - you can never have too many!

Furiousball: Thanks for doing that. Sometimes it's good to think about yourself now and then. Helps take your mind of other things :-)

furiousBall said...

amen, i hate other things

Anonymous said...

Hi there! :) Oops ... I just now noticed that I was tagged. hehe :) Will definitely participate! Thanks!