Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Believe it or not, it wasn't so bad :-)

So camping, after all, wasn't so bad. I'm sure most of you can't believe it, because I was having trouble with the idea too, but it's the God's honest truth.

I had a wonderful time. The company was great, the area was absolutely beautiful and I'm so happy I went. I know it meant a lot to Craig as it was a place he spent many a summer as a child and to me that is totally priceless.

It was a bit cold Saturday night as the temperatures dipped quite a bit, but thanks to my trusty, ultra warm sleeping bag (thanks Anthony) I was nice and toasty.

Here are some photos to prove I actually did in fact go.


Together at our campsite.

This sign, and my expression, say it all.

The scenery was breathtaking.

The two of us.

Who's the newbie camper? Me!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Gearing Up for the Weekend

So in case you all haven't heard yet, I'm going camping this weekend. Yes, me. It's my first foray into the trend of sleeping in a tent, on the ground, outside. While part of me is very excited to finally try this (though if you asked me a year ago I would have said "absolutely not!") there is a part of me that honestly does not know what to expect.

I'm sure it will be fun - the company at least will be enjoyable. It's just that my idea of camping has always been anything lower than a four-star hotel. Call me pretentious, call me what you will, but as a kid I never did the camping thing.

Sure I was sent off to camp. But that was tennis camp where we lived in dorms and were treated as if we were in boot camp - awoke every morning to the sound of an airhorn under the door just after 5 .m., up and in the cafe by 6 a.m. and on the courts all day until 4 (which is why we were discovered from having milk products for breakfast as they had the potential to "curdle in your stomach" while being in the hot sun all day. Tennis camp I could handle. Sleeping outside, in a tent, not so sure. But I'm trying it anyway, what's the worst that can happen? Oh, and please don't tell me.

At the very least I'm sure I'll have some great stuff to report when I get back along with some photos. Until then ...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sunday at the pool with Baby Anthony!

It's funny - I just can't get enough of my nephew! And this weekend was no different. Spent Sunday at my parents' house at the pool - the weather was just too beautiful to spend inside cleaning, working, you name it...

So I headed down there early morning, as Craig was working, and Catherine joined us with the baby. We had the nicest day. Lots of swimming, lots of conversation and, as always a great meal and a fantastic glass of wine. (yes, I limited myself to one).

One other great thing that happened is we finally found a night in the next two weeks when we can all get together for my birthday for dinner. What a struggle - seems it's getting more difficult every year for all of our schedules to mesh, but we managed to work it out - Great team work guys!

Anyway, here are more photos of the wonderful little guy. Enjoy!

I'm swimming! Look at my legs go!

Swimming in the pool with Nana. I just love her.

I'm content, although Papi is singing to me and I'm not quite sure what, he says it's something Italian, but I just don't get it.

Chillling on the deck - I kind of like this.

I know, I'm the cutest!