Sunday, August 06, 2006

Sunday at the pool with Baby Anthony!

It's funny - I just can't get enough of my nephew! And this weekend was no different. Spent Sunday at my parents' house at the pool - the weather was just too beautiful to spend inside cleaning, working, you name it...

So I headed down there early morning, as Craig was working, and Catherine joined us with the baby. We had the nicest day. Lots of swimming, lots of conversation and, as always a great meal and a fantastic glass of wine. (yes, I limited myself to one).

One other great thing that happened is we finally found a night in the next two weeks when we can all get together for my birthday for dinner. What a struggle - seems it's getting more difficult every year for all of our schedules to mesh, but we managed to work it out - Great team work guys!

Anyway, here are more photos of the wonderful little guy. Enjoy!

I'm swimming! Look at my legs go!

Swimming in the pool with Nana. I just love her.

I'm content, although Papi is singing to me and I'm not quite sure what, he says it's something Italian, but I just don't get it.

Chillling on the deck - I kind of like this.

I know, I'm the cutest!

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