Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Paint Pallete Pandemonium

Why is it every time I think I’ve settled on a palette for my new home, it changes? Honestly, it’s not even a dramatic change – more like a bit lighter here, a bit darker there. In any case, just spent another afternoon at the paint store and think I finally might have finalized everything but one bedroom and both bathrooms (but I do have ideas for these). I have my sample cans, my foam core boards and my little rollers so I’m ready to test and hold up to the walls to see what everything will really look like. I’m started to get excited (very) but also stressed (very). I knew this was coming, but for some reason I never let myself get into it for fear it may not happen. But it’s happening. We have the walk through tonight and by this time tomorrow we’ll officially have our new home!

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