Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Gosh I’m sorry I haven’t updated in a while. I’m doing fine now – pretty recovered, but man I was down for the count there for a bit. I never tend to get sick so I’m not used to it and this was really bad. But now I’m feeling much more like myself – just ask my co-workers and staffers :-)

In any case, I do have a house update. And I preface this by telling you all it’s not really a big deal. Apparently with so many foreclosures in the system, judges are behind in processing all the paperwork. That being said our closing, which was originally set for this Friday, Feb. 8, is now pushed off 30 days. The bank wanted more time. And since we have a place to live and aren’t moving out of an apartment, it works out pretty well for us. So we are temporarily on hold which works out well because we have some work we promised my folks we’d do at Nana’s before moving and it gives me time to start making my lists.

Yes, in case you didn’t know, I’m a list person.

What I discovered the other day that although I purged SO MUCH when I moved in with C I still have a ton of stuff. (Note to C: I know, I know and I’m so sorry you had to lug it around so many times). Needless to say, I’m purging again, big time. I know what’s going to work in our new house and I know what’s not going to work. And I’m gearing up for a giant yard sale at the earliest possible time in spring to get rid of it all. Why drag it all out to the curb to have the garbage men ignore it when you can actually get money for some of it and have someone else haul it out of your yard?

That’s the scoop.

I’ll have more soon


Kristi said...

Bummer about your closing date being pushed back, but at least you're not homeless. I'm big on purging too lately. You're so smart to do that before you move, instead of carting all that stuff with you to your fab new house.

PS:I'm glad you're feeling better.

Gal on the Go said...

Thanks Kristi - unfortunately while there is a lot we have with us that I know I will be getting rid of - there is (and C if you see this don't be mad)a ton of stuff in the storage unit I think I can do without :-(

Lisanne said...

Hi there! I am *so* sorry to hear that you were feeling *so* terribly. I hope that you're doing much better now. Scary stuff, when you don't know what's wrong! Good luck with house stuff, too! So sorry that I haven't been at your blog in a while! :(