Sunday, July 13, 2008


Look what we have - we officially have a bunny here like we did at the other house. I couldn't be happier, now it feels like home! Check him out:

Craig came home from work the other night, called me from outside and told me to come out and be quiet and I saw this happily laying in the grass:

So I decided to get a better look:

He didn't move at all:

I think he actually liked having his picture taken:

Ah bunnies. Did I mention he's one of a group of 10 we see frolicking in the neighborhood? Who knew living in the "country" could be so entertaining? Not this gal.


katyc67 said...

So cute! I love that he was just lying down, chilling. He's a good sized bunny.

Unknown said...

hahaha - i love that you said "ah bunnies." heehee - so cute!

Kristi said...

Very cute! We have one who frequents our backyard as well. Isabella is a huge fan.