Sunday, July 16, 2006

Vacation Comes to an End

Here it is - late Sunday afternoon and my vacation is finally winding down. (Sigh) Did manage to make the most of it, even the weekend. Headed to my parent's Saturday morning and stayed there most of the weekend. Sat by the pool, cooked out and my mom, dad and I played a mean game of Scrabble - Dad won, but that's because we gave him some good words to work with. He simply added letters to most of them :-). But fair is fair and he was the winner.

Got to catch up with my girlfriend Michele this morning. It had been far too long since we last spent time together. We sat by the pool, had coffee and talked to for hours! Then we got a great surprise, Anthony came by with A4 (the best nephew ever) and of course I wouldn't be me if I didn't have my trusty camera at my side. Here are a couple of pictures of the little guy greeting my mom on his arrival. Enjoy!

And of course no set of photos would be complete without one of Daisy trying to escape the heat!


Tim said...

We have the same dancing duck! Got it at Dedham Plaza!

Gal on the Go said...

We did too! But at the time my mother had actually bought it for herself because it made her laugh! That's classic! I'm seriously thinking Greg and Anthony IV should meet for a play date!

ThePapaDog said...

That's my boy!!!

Stop trying to set up play dates....

Lets let the babies decide what they want.

Have Tim's Baby call My Baby...