Wednesday, March 21, 2007


You know what I can't stand - people who can't stay the hell out of other people's business. And the only thing worse than that are the vultures who come out of the woodwork and prey on those who are totally unaware they are being preyed on. People who have no moral values whatsoever and will do whatever it takes to get what they want from someone: valuables, homes, money, etc... no matter the cost.

What's even worse is when one of these many individuals involved are family members. Not immediate, not even next generation, but a generation after that (and yes I'm talking about a specific situation here folks, but I'm not getting into the depths of it).

Add to the mix nosey neighbors trying to get it on it, along with your average sleezy scumbag in town, and man I'm telling you - it's enough to drive anyone crazy!


Kristi said...

Oh geez. It sounds like your life is full of drama. Hope it gets less chaotic soon!

Gal on the Go said...

Thanks Kristi - it really is. So bad, usually it's something I just deal with but honestly, last night I just went home and announced to C I was simply tired and plan on trying as best I can to wash my hands of anything I can't control and only help those who want it. Hope this doesn't make me a super bad person :-(

Anonymous said...

karma is a bitch- eventually what comes around goes around

Gal on the Go said...

Cat - I can only hope so. It's just getting so insane and so out of control!