Thursday, February 08, 2007

Outsmarted bytthe Cat and Feeling the Pain

You guys are going to love this one.

It took me a few days to post it because although I knew when it happened it would make for some pretty funny cocktail conversation, I had to wait it out and get over it.

Remember a few weeks back when I ordered all that stuff to keep Molly off the furniture, etc...? Well one of those items was the X-Mat

According to the manufacturer, you use the X-Mat to "Train cats without alarms or electricity" that it's "Raised bumps repel pets" and is a perfect mechanism for "Avoidance training - soon your pet will avoid off-limits surfaces."

Here's the complete description from the manufacturer: "Train your cat to respect your boundaries without the use of alarms or electricity. Hundreds of raised bumps create passive discomfort zones. With consistent use, X-Mat teaches your cat to steer clear of kitchen counters, furniture, plants, and selected rooms – even after you remove the X-Mat."


Well let me tell you - Molly was not affected by these at all! The first night we put them on the new bedroom furniture to keep her off them. Right. Literally, she walked on them, no problem, even plopped her butt down on them for a few minutes. Nothing. No pain, no "uncomfortableness" nada!

Fair enough. Again, my cat outsmarted me.

So we found another use for them. We place them on the couch, pitched up a bit resting on the pillows to deter her from going up there. It's working. Not because they are "uncomfortable" to her, but because it leaves no space for her to lie on. Fine.

Well Saturday night Craig went to sit on the couch and moved the mats to the floor area between the end of the couch and the doorway to the dining room. I didn't even notice.

We're sitting in the living room enjoying some TV time and Molly is making some definite "up to something" noise in the dining room so I run over there to try and keep her from doing anything destructive. On my way back, it happens.

Both of my feet plant firmly on the X-Mat. And let me tell you something. It hurt more than anything I think I have ever endured, including my knee surgeries. It was that bad. But it got worse. One I was firmly planted on the hard, raised, pain-inducing, plastic bumps, I couldn't get myself off them because it was even more painful to press down with your foot to get off it. I was done. I started to crumple from the pain. C, in all his goodness, lept to my rescue and pulled me off them. It hurt, like crying to beat the band hurt (not to mention the little welts it left in the bottom of my feet). It was so painful, so bad, but so funny that he actually had me laughing a bit through the tears.

I know, I'm sure I'm not doing this story any justice whatsoever, but trust me, when C tells it - which I know he will at the next family get together - you'll all laugh your asses off. At my expense. But hey - look at it this way, while it did nothing to deter Molly, it hurt me enough that I'm now researching ways to use them as an anti-theft device :-)

1 comment:

ThePapaDog said...

Hey, I wonder if that will work on my Catdoggg.