Monday, February 05, 2007


Sorry for not posting sooner folks, with the move and Peter's death and so much else going on I've been doing all I can to keep my head above water.

All my work and everything I planned to keep Molly from doing anything destructive at the new house has pretty much paid off. Although some of the items I bought online are being returned because they had literally no effect on her, she has adjusted just fine. C, on the other hand, is not doing so well.

His allergies are full-blown now with regard to Miss Molly and nothing is abating them. It's really bad and basically I've spent the past 24 hours sobbing trying to figure out what to do to keep us all together. I can't imagine my life without her and of course can't imagine my life without him, but something has to give and I know he can't live this way.

There is the hope I have that after a while he'll be used to her as he was when he spent time at my place. But then again, it had been months since we spent a significant amount of time there together with her and any resistance he may have developed back then is now gone and we are starting from scratch.

In the hope of making this better for him I spent most of the night and morning researching air purifiers - they collect up to 100 percent of cat dander with a HEPA filter so I'm hoping this would work. Originally I was online and picked one out that covered 1,000 square feet, problem is there was no way I would have it until the middle of to late this week. So I took matters into my own hands. I went to Best Buy. I bought a big one - Whirlpool - which should work in the living and dining room area (it covers a little more than 500 sq ft) and a smaller one which covers more than the amount necessary to keep our bedroom dander free. The air purifiers should also help with any dust issues he may have because they trap that as well.

They are in the car now and will be set up to go as soon as I get out of work. Please everyone, keep your fingers (and toes) crossed! This HAS to work!


My Wombinations said...

oh g-d. Good luck. I really hope it works. R was allergic to Melly, too and we used special shampoo once a week until he adjusted. It was not fun, but it seems to have worked....

Gal on the Go said...

Thanks! I'm willing to try anything though washing Molly will never happen, though I've been wiping her down with these shampooish wash clothes that do the same thing. And thankfully she doesn't mind them too much.

Did I mention he also bought a Dyson (the pet one)?

Pray and keep your fingers crossed!!!!

ThePapaDog said...
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ThePapaDog said...


You're gay!


Gal on the Go said...

And I thought you were more of an animal lover than that Anthony!

ThePapaDog said...

Ever see that scene in "Anchorman, The Legend of Ron Burgundy.

When Will Ferrel threw the burrito out the window and it hit Jack Black in the face and he wiped out on his motorcycle.

When Jack Black confronted Will Ferrell he stated that he destroyed something he loves (motorcycle)so JB says, "Now I'm gonna destroy something you love."

He grabs Will Ferrell's dog and PUNTS it off the bridge. :)

Thats how I roll!

Yo C, let me know and I'll find the bridge.