Friday, April 13, 2007

The Imus Saga

Check out my brother's post on the firing of Imus* this - to me it's right on the money about the hypocrisy of the whole situation.

I just have one thing to add. With everyone and their brother coming out of the wood work and voicing their opinion on the subject on national television, you have to wonder why there is such a double standard.

Whoopi Goldberg was on the Today show yesterday talking about it, yet (in case you didn't know) the name of her production company is actually "One Ho Productions." So basically it's OK for her to use the term but not him? Granted his comment about "nappy headed ho's" was highly offensive - but they did suspend him to show him he was wrong - but my question is why is everyone bowing to those against his comment, from the Al Sharptons of the world to the advertisers who threatened to pull ads if they didn't fire him? I know money talks and shit walks, but come on folks!

Not to mention last night on Larry King they had everyone on from Serena Williams to Delta Reese (not sure where they dug her up from). The legs this incident has is truly amazing to me. And I'm sure we will continue to hear much more about it in the upcoming weeks and months.

*Just for the record, not a fan of Imus or a non-fan.


My Wombinations said...

I agree. I love Howard Stern, but he says incredibly offensive (albeit really funny) things about women on a daily basis. Meanwhile Imus says some admittedly despicable things and his career ends. How is that ok? How is it ok for rap songs to degrade women and talk about "milking the cow" on free radio? somehow it is fine for men to degrade women and be overtly sexist, but anything that comes close to racism is untouchable. Something like this should open the door to discourse, not close it. When political correctness overrides free speech it is a serious problem. I am pretty disgusted by the whole thing.

Gal on the Go said...

Well said!