Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Tag! You're It!

OK so my brother tagged me (thanks a lot). That being said you bloggers know what's coming next. I have to tag you as well. Plus it is a way to learn more about each other right? Man this is worse than one of those chain e-mails:

(Cut me some slack folks - I had to take a break from trying to organize the closet. Still working on it and will keep you posted)

Here we go:
Some people like this shit, some don't but I guess it's a good way to learn more about each other. YEEECK! So here it is....

Three Things That Scare Me

- Spiders
- Movies about people who are possessed
- The phone ringing in the middle of the night (it's never a good thing)

Three People Who Make Me Laugh

- My boyfriend (C)
- My brother
- My nephew

Three Things I Love

- My boyfriend and my family
- The scent of vanilla
- Miss Molly and Miss Daisy

Three Things I Hate

- Mean people
- Bad drivers, particularly all of you on my route to work everyday who find it necessary to take three point terms in the middle of a main street during rush hour
- The supermarket

Three Things I Don’t Understand

- The shelf-life of cream (why does it last so long?)
- People who work in retail but aren't nice at all
- Liars

Three Things On My Desk

- Photos, photos, photos (me and C, my nephew, my brother, Daisy, Molly)
- My pink crystal heart-shaped paper weight mom bought me many, many years ago
- Hand cream (always)

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die

- Travel to Italy and explore every region
- Have a family of my own
- Taste fame, even if only for a moment

Three Things I Can Do

- I have the answer to any obscure question possible (I may be full of useless information, but it does prove useful when I least expect it).
- I can still do a split even though it's been years since I've taken a dance class
- Kick your ass in tennis (sorry Anthony - stealing it from you - though you can definitely kick my ass)

Three Things I Can’t Do

- Keep a neat closet
- Be scheduled enough to get my car to the carwash more often than three times a year
- Drive on the highway (long story)

Three Things I Think You Should Listen To

- Conversations going on around you - you never know what you'll find out
- Your soul - it will never fail you
- Your heart

Three Things You Should Never Listen To

- Vanilla Ice
- Unsolicited advice

Three Things I’d Like To Learn (but won’t)

- How to knit (though I may - course I keep saying that)
- How to drive a standard
- How to change a tire

Three Shows I Watched As A Kid

- Laverne & Shirley
- Eight is Enough
- The Love Boat
(yes folks, I'm old)

Three Blogs I’ve tagged

- My Wombinations-
- Interrupted Wanderlust
- Daddyrific


My Wombinations said...

I'll teach you to drive standard!!

Gal on the Go said...

You've got a deal!

ThePapaDog said...

You forgot one of the you should never listen to AND I am so making you do a split Friday night.

You talk the talk but can you walk the walk?

You have 2 1/2 days to practice....

Gal on the Go said...
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Gal on the Go said...

Tough Critic Ant. You're on. I can definitely walk the walk - but ONLY if there is no one in the store besides us wee-workers.

ThePapaDog said...

I have a backroom with no laughing customers.

I don't doubt that you can't do it... I just think you'll need my help to get up.

Gal on the Go said...

Be prepared - you are probably right - I may definitely need your help getting back up :-)

furiousBall said...

wait, PapaDog is your brother? Did he tell you he macramé'd me some cut off shorts?

Gal on the Go said...

Furiousball - yes, he's my younger brother :-) - he didn't mention it. Do tell!

Kristi said...

I can teach you how to knit, although I believe that might be a challenge over the internet. ;)

I'll complete this meme soon!

Gal on the Go said...

Kristi - I have been trying to teach myself to knit forever! I know how to crochet but C was convinced I could teach myself to knit so he bought me one of those "teach yourself to knit" books and I just can't do it! I can't even start it off. It's awful - and with me I'll keep trying 'til I get it but man I need serious help - maybe it might work over the Internet. Worth a shot right?

ThePapaDog said...


Gal on the Go said...

Thanks Ant - my legs are STILL killing me!