Monday, April 09, 2007

Five Answers to Five Questions

Thinking I'd open myself up a bit (though I do tend to keep my walls up a bit at times) here are the answers to five questions from Kristi. (Thanks Kristi!)

1. What is the most important lesson anyone has ever taught you?

The most important lesson I think I’ve ever been taught is to be yourself. Don’t go along with the group. Be your own person. Set your own goals, believe in your own ideals and don’t be afraid to stand up for what you believe in. That also goes hand-in-hand with the fact that what it all comes down to in terms of finding the right someone to spend the rest of your life with, you won’t be able to find him or her until you know who you are, know what you want and are happy with the person you are. Only then can everything fall into place.

2. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be, and why?

Oh man, this is a tough one. It’s a toss up between Veal Saltimbocca (I know, I know, veal isn't very PC) and olives. I LOVE olives!!!!

3. What current social issue is the most important to you?

To be honest, I’m so up in the air with social issues right now although I'm definitely a socially-responsible being. Maybe it’s my age or where I stand in terms of having a child in the future, but I can’t honestly tell you what issue is at the forefront at the moment until I can wrap my hands around it. But I promise I will answer this sometime in the very near future.

4. If you could get away with a criminal act, scott-free, and never have anyone know about it, and never be charged for the crime, what would it be?

To be on the safe side, and remember, this is hypothetical, I would find a way to get my hands on at least a few million dollars to sock away in the bank. After all, $1 million garners about $50,000 annually in interest :-).

5. If you could go on any game show, past or present, which one would it be?

Jeopardy – I was always the couch champion of this!


Kristi said...

Great answers! I love your response to #1. If you don't know yourself, there is no way you can enter a serious relationship without being completely absorbed by the interests and beliefs of the other person.

ThePapaDog said...

the only thing you would get right on jeopardy is the correct spelling of your name...


Gal on the Go said...

Kristi - thanks but I have to be honest, if someone spewed that advice to me 10 years ago I would have just given them a funny look, but really it is so true!

Ant - You're lucky we are family - that gives you free shots at me, otherwise, there would be retaliation for that comment. :-)