Wednesday, April 11, 2007

What to Do at 1 a.m. on a School Night

I haven't been feeling well lately, and while I tend not to get sick, my body does decide to revolt in other ways - from severe joint pain (thanks to the Fibromyalgia) to migraines. Lucky me, Monday kicked off a week of both.

Monday night - I could barely move. The pain which began at my left shoulder and then found it's way to the side of my neck, decided to settle intensely at the back of my neck leading its way up to a killer migraine and basically the inability to move my head in even the slightest way without searing pain.

Needless to say I went to bed early and while normally I'd read when I do this, those of you who know what it feels like know you can't even have the lights on, yet read when you have the searing pain, never mind the throbbing headache. So into bed I went early. And medicated myself with everyhting from Aleve to my prescription meds, and an ice pack. Nothing was working. Then I passed out - whether from being tired or the pain I didn't care I was sleeping!

Now there's a problem with going to bed early when you're body is only used to so much sleep. You wake up. So there I was 1:30 a.m. Still suffering from a dull headache, yet WIDE awake. I swear the cat looked at me with a "what is she kidding?" look when I had to move her to get out of bed. Thankfully C didn't stir at all. Must be nice to sleep so deeply :-).

I took another pill, read almost an entire magazine, checked my e-mail, folded some clothes, everything I could do upstairs. I actually considered going down to the living room and catching up on some shows hanging out on the DVR, but figured if I did that I would be doomed.

So I headed back to bed. It's now 3 a.m. Nothing, still can't sleep. Started running mental lists of things I had to do at home and at work. Running your mind in the dead of night is sure to keep you awake.

Needless to say I finally fell asleep around 4 - only to be woken at 5:30 for the day. Thankfully since I used to be completely nocturnal I was able to get through my day. Though last night it hit me - and sure enough I was in bed super early yet again, but this time I didn't rouse until C woke me before he left at 7 a.m. Bring on Wednesday!

What do the rest of you do when you can't get back to sleep? I think I could use some suggestions because I know it's going to happen again at some point.


Kristi said...

Oh that sucks. Poor you. I hope you slept better last night.

As for what I do when I can't sleep, I generally do what you did and get up, do laundry, etc. Because I figure I'm up anyway, and I'm wasting valuable time by just laying in bed. But that's my Type A personality talking here, too. ;)

Gal on the Go said...

Then it looks like we are one in the same Kristi! Love the new photo of the baby in your comment :-)

Anonymous said...

2 words- hot chocolate

Gal on the Go said...
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Gal on the Go said...

Cat - That would work - and since I can't have caffeine, C actually makes sure the house is stocked with caffeine-free hot chocolate for me. Believe it or not it tastes no different. Course I'd be much happier if I could get my sugar-free hot chocolate caffeine free as well, but so far nothing.

Anonymous said...

When I can't go to bed I turn over my pillow, and dont try to go to sleep. I jsut lie on my back day dreaming. this usually turns into a dream.