I'm talking about Rachel Ray.

Then, a few months ago I head to the market (which anyone who knows me knows I do my best to avoid as I detest the supermarket) to pick up a few things including my standard Wheat Thins. What do I see? Her chubby face smling at me on the box thanks to a recent endorsement deal with Nabisco. Fine, but looking at her automatically puts her gruff, loud, obnoxious voice in my head. Now I'm looking for another cracker for my cravings.
But the worst was the other morning when I was getting ready for work. The TV is on the bedroom as I get ready so I can listen to the local weather and traffic reports. Next thing I hear - at 7 a.m. in the morning mind you - is her horrifying voice over my TV. Apparently she's now the face of Dunkin Donuts. Why! Why for all that is holy is this woman everywhere?
Give me Giada De Laurentiis any day!

She's soft spoken, sweet, adorable and man her recipes rock!
And one word about Rachel's "30 Minute Meals" - sure they take 30 minutes, but that doesn't include the 30 minutes you need prior to chop everything!
She is everywhere lately, isn't she? I must admit, she's sort of grown on me. Her talk show is horrendous (she's always complimenting both her guests and her audience members by telling them how beautiful they are, which irks me to no end. Compliment them by telling them what great actors or writers or spokespeople they are, and lay off the superficial beauty issue-okay, rant done), but much as one cannot turn away from a car wreck they pass on the highway, I fear I cannot turn the channel when her shows are on.
And yes, Little Big Head's (Giada) recipes are way better, but she's got the fakiest of fake smiles too. Plus, how can you trust a chef that skinny? And how does she balance that enormous head of hers on that teeny, tiny body?
PS: That deleted comment up there? Was totally me. I had a typo, and I have this weird thing about not being able to live with myself when I have them in my writing. Sorry!
No worries Kristi - I'm the same way with typos - always delete and repost :-)
Good point on the skinny chef and her smile, but the key word here is chef :-) something our pal Rachel is not. And although she does drive me batty, I have to give her credit for how far she's come that's for sure.
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