Monday, March 10, 2008

Endoscopy for Miss Molly

As much as I don’t want to do it, Molly has an appointment for an endoscopy on Thursday morning to find out why (oh why?) she throws up all the time. My poor little kitty, I swear it’s so commonplace it doesn’t even affect her (well not as much as it affects C and I). But either way, it’s not a way to live for any of us, let alone Molly and we need to really hunker down and find out what the problem is.

I’m terrified.

While over the past few months, if you’ve been reading this blog, you know I’ve tried every possible solution to the problem and while it’s not nearly as bad as it once was, it still exists and she obviously has a problem.

When we lived alone together – years back before moving to the North side of Boston – she never threw up. Then we moved here and she’s been doing it more and more. I do not believe it’s due to the environment (although I liked to think that for a while). I believe it’s most likely due to a change within her as she’s growing older.

Now back to being terrified. I guess the procedure itself is as simple as it is for you or I. I have to drop her off at the vet for an appointment at 7:45 Thursday morning. She will be under anesthesia, but I’ve been assured the doctor who does this is a pro and has done hundreds of them and that it only takes a half hour start to finish. They will take a look inside her tiny belly and take up to 10 samples (the size of a pencil head) to be sent out for biopsy. They also told me that this test can tell them immediately if there is something seriously wrong with the animal (please pray nothing is seriously wrong with my little girl). She may only be a cat to some, but to me she’s my child.

What we are hoping is that the test shows she has inflammatory bowel disease, which is what the vet thinks it very well could be from the symptoms, and then they can treat her.

In the meantime I’m a complete mess.


My Wombinations said...

oh no! Keep me posted. Hopefully she will be fine.

Nikki said...

I'll be praying for Miss Molly, and for you. But, I'm going to be 100% optimistic!