Thursday, March 20, 2008


I’m long overdue for an update and I apologize. We are moving in less than a week and I’m so overwhelmed with what needs to be packed, what needs to be trashed and getting my arse in gear that I fear I’m falling by the wayside. There is also a ton of pressure on us right now at work and because I’ve decide to take next week off to get organized, I have even more to accomplish at my job by week’s end.

On the Molly front I just got off the phone with the vet and the biopsy results are back – my poor little kitty has Inflammatory Bowel Disease – hence the constant puking. She will be put on a steroid (not sure which one yet – my vet wants to be careful since Molly’s still young so she’s thinking about a small does of a synthetic one). I’m just hoping she doesn’t blow up like a Macy’s Day balloon!

And that’s the update. I’d type more but with so much to do I can’t lose a minute!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

How exciting! I can't wait until you're finally n your house, and you can relax a bit.

Poor Molly. I have Crohn's Disease, so I can sympathize with what she's going through. I used to be on Prednisone (not sure what kind of steroid they prescribe for cats), and while I did blow up, I felt much better afterward.