Wednesday, March 12, 2008

A Fasting Kitty is Not a Happy Kitty

It's 14 hours until Molly has her endoscopy and 11 hours since she's had anything to eat (the Vet insists she must fast for 24 hours before the procedure) and I swear she just gave me a dirty look - cat style.

C let her eat as much as she could this morning before taking her food away and actually hiding the bag in case she got any kitty caper ideas of ripping it open and fending for herself. Less than 20 minutes later as I was pouring my coffee into my travel mug for the ride to work she looked at me, meowed and starting licking the empty food bowl with the most pathetic look I ever saw.

Thankfully, I was at work for 9 plus hours so I didn't have to have the guilt of watching her do her "I'm starving bitch" routine, but man do I feel guilty now. Every time I open the fridge, even for a drink, she comes running thinking she's getting food (and she doesn't even eat wet food so I'm not quite sure what she's associating the fridge with).

Then I had to hide - literally, in the bathroom so I could eat some chips before dinner - since I haven't eaten since noon and I'm starving. I'm about to put dinner in the oven for C and wonder how I can do that without her thinking I'm depriving her even more. To make matters worse ... we're having chicken!

Oh no!

1 comment:

My Wombinations said...

Hope everything went ok...