Friday, January 26, 2007

Something Else That's Bothering Me

The store where he was taking the class and shot himself. It was the second time in less than five years that a customer killed himself there. The last one, in Dec. 2002 also died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head. That man was unlicensed and along in the firing range when he fired the fatal shot, according to the Arlington Advocate

While police suspended the store's license to sell firearms at the time, and also shut down the place last year after it failed an unannounced inspection, the criminal complaint was later dismissed.

Now I'm not here to blame the gun shop or anyone who works there. I just don't understand how something like this could happen. Especially during a gun safety course.

I don't know. For now I'm out of questions.


My Wombinations said...

why did you change to private?

ThePapaDog said...

I know why...

I guess I will have to take you off my link list now.

No new viewers for you. ONE YEAR!

Gal on the Go said...
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